Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I noticed that a bunch of my posts (other than the random ones that are rather spontaneous) are really long. I guess I'm starting to like writing a little bit more.

So I present to you guys, whoever may be reading this, a funny irony. Instead of writing my essay I am taking five minutes out of my time to write this post to say that I'm starting to like writing more but I need to write my essay that is due today at midnight.

Awesome picture of the day

Monday, February 22, 2010

Soul Music is the Best

I've been feeling Pretty Wings by Maxwell for a while now, but I just can't stop listening to this man sing. It's refreshing to see some artists like Maxwell still exist.

This is one of the reason why I love dance: it is one of those art forms that is truly beautiful to watch. I am lucky I got to see this performance live, simply mind blowing.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

An Old Crush

So I was watching Pocahontas today and while watching the movie I remembered I used to have a big crush on her. She's adventurous, smart, pretty, and can sing amazingly well; she's like the perfect girl.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

You Can Learn A Lot in College

In my psychology class we were learning about intelligence and creativity and there was really interesting slide that I would like to share.

Hints to Living a More Creative Life:

-Try to be surprised by something every day

-Try to surprise at least one person every day

-Write down the surprises of each day

-Follow sparked interests

-Wake up in the morning with a specific goal

-Take charge of your schedule

-Spend time in stimulating settings

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stranger in the Laundry Room

A long time ago when I was still relatively new to blogging I wrote an entry about love and what is love.

What's interesting is I started it with the question of what if someone was to say "You are Loved" and simply walk away. The reason why I say that little bit is interesting is because I was doing my laundry last night and a random lady in the laundry room came up to me and started a very casual conversation with me. Most of the time it was me detailing the little bits of my life as a student and how school is getting tougher and how I am lucky enough to find to time to enjoy life, but as randomly as the conversation began she stands up and ask me this:

"Can I give you a hug?"

Honestly, I didn't know what to do because I hardly knew the woman yet she asked to give me hug so I obliged not knowing what is going to happen. While hugging me she told me "May God bless you," and that she is happy to hear things are not too hard on me.

The rest of the night was weird for me. It's funny because right before I fell asleep and I remembered that entry I wrote a while ago and I realized that the reaction I said I would have is exactly the same reaction I had right after meeting that lady. I don't know if I'll see that lady again, but what I do know is she is very nice lady and is capable of brightening up everyone's day.

Oh how I love random acts of love.