Monday, December 28, 2009

All You Need is Love

As we are well-aware of, I have this infatuation with love. As I was roaming the internet I came across an amazing video. It's part of some Starbucks project to help fight AIDS in Africa. I cant' really explain it other than saying watch the video. It is a bloody brilliant video and I can't believe my good fortunes to come across this. I'll probably end sharing this on my other public networking websites.

New Years is so close!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Collegeacb is revolting

So my friend showed me this site called collegeacb and honestly it is a disgusting website. No it's not a porn website or some disgusting website like meatspin. It's disgusting in the sense that it shows the true ugliness of human beings. Basically it's a website that allow people to post anonymously about your school (pretty much gossip or say hateful things). Ande th things said in the posts are unbelievable. Normally I would be depressed when seeing this because all this tells me is that immaturity I wanted to escape from high school still exists in the college that I love. And then I see one post that upsets me greatly.

This post directly attacks one of things that I absolutely love about UCI, SPOP. For one, I do not wish to create a response on that website because it's pointless. I wouldn't change anyone minds or opinions through a stupid website argument. So it's best to just stop reading and accept the fact that there are a lot of ignorant people on this campus who really need to grow up. However, it really angers me to see someone to blatantly attack SPOP without any valid reasons other than it's filled with "fobby Asian hip-hop wannabes" or AXOs who he/she refers to as "sorority pornstars." I may not know the real reason why this person despises the people in the program but generalizing an entire sorority as pornstars is CROSSING THE DAMN LINE. I know some people in that sorority and they are good people so it really offends me when someone would make such outrageous and immature generalizations. Not only do people such ignorant generalization they would go as far as saying that a group of "all asians" is a lack diversity. This is BS. Some of these guys forget what the word diversity means. Diversity is not just restricted to the color of our skin but also by our cultures, our pasts, personalities, religious views, etc. I don't get why so many people are so focused by the color of our skin. I thought we were past those days and these are the days where follow the simple rule of not judging a book by its cover but by its contents.

The other thing that really made me angry real quick was the fact that someone directly attacked someone that I respect a lot. The post is as follows:

"Its because that hannah bitch, a smug korean cunt (like all koreans, she is smug as fuck) who heads spop is asian, thats why." (Someone a post later corrected this person's mistake, but I'm still frustrated by it)

This was in response that there was a lack of diversity (not enough "non-asian" or white people) but to directly attack someone because of her racial ethnicity and then go as far as generalizing an entire group is upsetting. But the thing that really gets to me is that he/she would say something about this woman. I may be a little biased when writing about Hannah, but I love her to death and she was like the older sister that I never had. I have so much respect for her and I credit a lot of my growth in college to her. But to see that someone would say that about Hannah makes me question whether or not this person really knows her. Hannah was and will always be one of the bigger influences in my life because the way she conducted herself and the amount of wisdom that she has shared with me has really left me in awe of her as a person. I can't imagine anyone disliking her to the point where someone is willing to say something like that about her. It just doesn't make sense to me.

But then again a lot of things in this world doesn't make sense.

On the brighter note: I'm done with finals! My winterbreak has started and I can't wait to relax.

Wrong thing to be thinking about during a final...

I thought I should share this...

While I was taking my abnormal psych final, for some odd reason instead of thinking of an answer for one question the thing that popped into my head was this: