Sunday, November 29, 2009

Waiting for that girl...

There has been one thing that has really been bugging me recently and I've been having a really hard time shaking it loose. If you haven't figured it out just by the title of this post alone then I'll say it here: girls.

Recently, there have been times when I would sit alone and for some reason just feel lonely. I know that getting a girlfriend won't solve this loneliness issue and this is something I will need to solve on my own, but in those moments of solitude I begin to think and just imagine what my life would be like if I was in a relationship. I'll admit that I am one to believe in storybook romances and more than often I'll end up reading books or watching movies which will only provide me with more hope that one magical day a girl so perfect will spontaneously become part of my life. But then that just makes me a hopeless romantic. Now-a-days it's starting to get really hard for me to "wait for that girl" to walk into my life.

It seems like every time I do meet a girl that I find interesting, I always end up making myself look foolish or I simply don't do anything at all. It's weird because I don't see myself as a shy person but when I cross paths with a girl that I find interesting or a girl that I like, I have the hardest time just talking to her without making things awkward. It makes me wonder how do some guys are able to ask girls out on dates with confidence when I can't even act normal around a crush. Are some guys more natural around girls than I am? I guess that is something I'm going to need to find out soon if I hope to actually get serious about this relationship thing.

Life is just too confusing especially when romance is involved.

p.s. darn you Korean dramas. You guys (Korean dramas) just make things worst.

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