I'm actually really shy in contrast to outgoing personality some people think I have. So it wouldn't make any sense why I am willing to share some things that I would normally consider personal on an online blog that anyone can read. Granted I can make it a private blog but for some reason I just don't bother keeping my privacy. Instead I write my thoughts and events in my life like an open book for everyone to read. So what is my motivation to continue writing in this blog?
I used to have this conceited belief that some people were interested about things in my life and I relied on the comments that people would leave on some of my posts as affirmation. But after this past couple of quarters I realized that this blog help me learn something about myself. I love to write, read, and learn. I love the idea and image of school being a environment where learning is encouraged, but I hate the concept of school being an institution forcing us to learn.
I enjoy writing in this blog because I'm not writing to impress a professor or someone else, I'm writing for me. I always enjoyed the process of creative writing but I always hated receiving my papers and judging the quality of my paper based on one letter/number/fraction that is often found in red and circled. I love reading and learning but I hate studying. Studying is forces me to cram information into my heads when I know it is very likely I may forget the information that I've just learned after the test. Yet, some of the things I learn from my classes in school are simply mind-blowing and I want to know more without time becoming a constraint or an issue. This blog gives me the freedom to write whatever I want and not be judged. I could care less if someone is to critique my grammar or vocabulary usage on here; it's MY blog and I have the freedom to write whatever I want.
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